MAC Eyeshadow Collection: Brown Script.


What MAC says: Warm chestnut brown with a matte finish.

What I say: A dark orange, almost terracotta color. The matteĀ² finish makes it easier to blend than the original ā€œmattesā€.

How to wear it: All over the lid (and some black eye shadow around the lash line) to create a ā€œgrungeā€ smokey eye. I also use it on the crease when I want to warm up the eye look.

Is it worth it? Yes, if you like/suit warm eye shadows. This one has a strong red undertone so it wonā€™t be everyoneā€™s cup of tea. It is a very unique color; try it before you buy it!

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  1. thanks for this :), truly helpful when trying to find new mac shades!
