How I Make Iced Tea With Assam Loose Leaf

Those who know me, know that I am a tea fiend. I can easily guzzle 2 liters (half a gallon) a day. As it is ridiculously hot where I live, I need to change the recipe once summer rolls around and switch up to iced tea. It is an easy process but you need to take into account that cold tea is not as tasty as hot tea. You will have to brew a stronger tea or add some extra flavor to make it palatable. Here is how I prepare mine.

To brew 4 cups of iced tea (around 1 liter) I need:
  • 2 cups (or 1/2 liter) of water.
  • 15 oz of ice (around 425 grams)
  • 4 teaspoons (or 8 grams) of loose leaf tea (I use Assam black tea as it is stronger and better suited for iced tea) 
To add some extra flavor I use:
  • 3 teaspoons (around 6 grams) of diced dried fruits.
  • The juice of half a lime (I prefer limes to lemons but use whatever you have on hand)
  • Liquid sweetener according to taste (or honey or agave…)

1. I bring the 2 cups of water to a boiling point. I remove the pot from the stove, add the dried fruits and let them brew for 7 or 8 minutes. I do this because the dried fruits need some extra time. If you don't use dried fruits, start with Step 2.

2. I throw the ice into the desired receptacle and add the sweetener and/or lime juice.

3. I bring the water to a boil (again), remove it from the stove and add the tea leaves. 

4. I let the tea steep for 3 to 4 minutes. Never more that 5 minutes or else it would be bitter.

5. I pour the tea over the pitcher with the 15 oz. of ice. I stir the mix until the ice cubes are almost melted and the tea is cold enough to drink.

6. I enjoy my homemade iced tea.

Tips to avoid bitter tea (cause nobody wants that):

Respect the brewing time for each tea. Green teas need only 2 to 3 minutes, max. Black teas 4 and 1/2 minutes.

- Do not  stir the tea leaves as they are brewing in the pot, let them be. Trust me, I've done that.

- When you are pouring the tea into the pitcher, do not -and I repeat- do not try to get the last drop of tea out of those tea leaves. In fact, do not press them with a spoon or force them in any way or else you would be releasing the tannins that would ruin your tea.

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